Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has officially launched the Machakos Youth Empowerment Programme dubbed Machakos Youth Service (MYS) meant to equip and empower 1000 youths with reliable life skills.

The program which was launched at the Agricultural Training Centre in Machakos will see a total of 1000 youth drawn from the 40 wards in Machakos trained in life skills such as discipline, timekeeping, teamwork and hard work for 21 days.

The Governor while speaking during the launch said that she plans to have 2000 youths benefit from the programme every year and domiciled at the fully equipped Agricultural centre to save them from the influence of illicit drugs and brews.

She added that after the 21 days at the MYS, where they will be provided with uniform, food, accommodation and other basic needs, they will then proceed to modern Technical and Vocational Education and Training centres (TVETs), in Mitaboni, Kyemutheke, Matuu, Masii and Kaliluni in a batch of 200 cohorts per vocational center where they will gain various skills and graduate in four months.