People living with HIV/AIDS have urged the government to address concerns over a potential depletion of antiretroviral (ARV) drug stocks in the coming months.
Nelson Otwoma, chairperson of the National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya (Nephak), stated that while current ARV supplies are sufficient until July, future stocks are uncertain. "Kenya has enough ARVs for now, but the supply could run out by July if not replenished," Otwoma said. "The government must address this issue." Otwoma explained that although ARVs are available, some second-line medications, such as Abacavir, have been out of stock since last year.
He attributed the shortage to the phase-out of Atazanavir/Ritonavir (ATV/r), as communicated by the National AIDS and STI Control Programme (Nascop). "We met with Nascop, and they clarified that this regimen is being phased out.
Patients on Atazanavir are advised to switch to Dolutegravir after clinical assessments," Otwoma explained.