Kenya has heightened its preparedness for a potential Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) outbreak following the confirmation of a case in Tanzania's Kagera region on Sunday, January 20.
The Ministry of Health confirmed that the virus had been identified after one case tested positive for MVD, marking the country's first reported outbreak of the disease. "There are currently no cases of Marburg Virus Disease in Kenya," the Ministry of Health said in a statement on Monday, January 21, adding, "However, Kenya remains at high risk due to significant cross-border movement between Tanzania and neighbouring countries in the region." MVD is a severe and often fatal disease caused by the Marburg virus.
It is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids of infected people or fruit bats, which are known to carry the virus.
Close contacts such as family members, caregivers, and healthcare workers are particularly vulnerable if they do not use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) while caring for patients or handling the bodies of those who have died from the virus.