Every year, words and phrases emerge in Kenya that massively struck a chord with Kenyans during public discourse or over the online space.  In 2024, this was no different as various words emerged, providing much-needed comic relief and conversational banter despite the myriad challenges that faced the country.  Some of the catchphrases referenced popular politicians, events, songs, or even videos that surfaced online and ended up going viral.  "Kasongo" / "Kasongo yeye" President William Ruto addressing Kenyans during the 2024 Jamhuri Day celebrations.

PHOTO/ William Ruto The pick of the bunch was "Kasongo" or "Kasongo yeye," referencing President William Ruto.

Ruto is no stranger to nicknames, with "Zakayo" trending in 2023, and has even made light of the situation.

In 2024, "Kasongo" made its entry quickly, gathering steam with Kenyans using the new name in various discourses.