A non-governmental organization, Suqoon has called for concerted efforts among stakeholders to educate members of the public on pertinent issues facing elderly persons.
Speaking at Cottolengo home for the aged in Gaturi, Murang'a county, Suqoon's program coordinator, Nasike Kisaka said by encouraging a culture of respect and care for the older persons, people lay the groundwork for a compassionate society that will be there for them when they too, become seniors. "Over the last few years we have increased the visibility of these issues by partnering with stakeholders as a way of ensuring everyone is well prepared for the future because we are all growing old," she said.
Kisaka noted that Suqoon, together with other stakeholders has partnered with the government to champion for an older persons bill and many Civil Society Organizations have been working towards success of the same.
The coordinator underscored Suqoon's commitment towards collaborating with various homes for older persons to facilitate renovations, provide upkeep and food together with securing crucial supplies like medication and clothes, hence creating comfortable and dignified living spaces. "As of last year we were able to get into partnership with Safaricom and they will be renovating two homes for the elderly for this year including Cottolengo in Murang'a and another home in Mombasa county," she said. "We have also partnered with Chandaria Foundation, which is also committed to increasing the visibility and support towards care for the elderly," she added.