The County government of Nakuru has disbursed Sh11.5 million in bursaries to benefit over 5,500 students in various institutions of learning within Molo sub-county.  County Executive Committee (CEC) Member for education, Zipporah Ngugi, said the County government move was in effort in a bid to enable all students ease of access to education irrespective of their humble backgrounds.

Ngugi affirmed the County government's commitment to supporting education for underprivileged students, stating that the bursary initiative aligns with Governor Susan Kihika's mission to ensure equitable access to quality education.

Speaking during the bursary launch at Molo secondary school, Ngugi noted that with such opportunities available at everyone's doorstep, parents and guardians, facing financial strains in paying school fees, should not hesitate in applying for the fund which has assisted many students in the past.

The beneficiaries, who are drawn from the Marioshoni, Turi, Elburgon, and Molo Wards, were urged to embrace the opportunity by working hard in their academic studies to ensure that they achieved their life goals.