Youth under June 25th Movement will tomorrow Saturday hold a prayer vigil in remembrance of their colleagues who were killed during last year's Gen Z protests.

The prayer vigil according to activist Shakira Wafula, vice chairperson of Kikao, which consists of various non-governmental organisations in the rights and justice sector, will also be held in Mombasa at the same time and day.

Kikao according to its website is a volunteer political movement that seeks to inspire and bring together a new tribe of Kenyans who are progressive and align with their call for transparent and accountable leadership.  "We welcome all Kenyans in Nairobi to gather at August 7th Memorial Park from noon to evening.

Looking at the current state of our country specifically from June last year, a number of young people have been abducted died, we still have some uncounted for, some still missing like the Mlolongo Three, which started as a Gen Z movement to fight for justice and accountability and we have seen failing systems everywhere including health, education among others," said Ms Wafula.