Mombasa County Commissioner Mohammed Noor has cautioned the youth against misusing the internet, especially through trolling via social platforms reiterating that such action is a violation of human rights.

Speaking during the Annual Data Privacy Conference 2025 at the School of Government Mombasa, the County Commissioner called on parents to encourage their children to utilize the internet in an ethical manner in a way that will contribute to the country's development. "We have been having a challenge on the internet especially on Twitter and Tik tok where our Kenyan youth have been misusing the internet and sometimes even sharing personal contacts without consent by affected individuals, as well as making fake news about individuals to the point of using false death information," Noor noted. "Let us encourage our children to use the freedom of speech ethically so that they do not violate the rights of others in ways which can later land them in trouble," he reiterated.

The conference, themed, 'Safeguarding Personal Data to Spur Digital Transformation and Economic Development,' and spearheaded by the Office of Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) aimed at discussing challenges facing data handlers and looking deeper into ways that data privacy could be enhanced to avoid criminal acts, cyberbullying among others.

Deputy Data Commissioner at the Head of Compliance Directorate ODPC Rosie Mosero, noted that the forum involved significant discussions that would look into the focus of data protection in the future due to technological advancements, enactment of new laws, and the upcoming adoption of Artificial Intelligence(AI).