Families of abductees and victims of extra-judicial killings have raised an alarm over their safety, saying they are being monitored by unknown people in vehicles.

This comes days after the bodies of two of three men abducted in Mlolongo, Machakos County last year were found in different locations.

In a joint statement, the victims are calling on the relevant state agencies to expedite probe into pending cases of enforced disappearances. "We demand an immediate, independent, and transparent investigation into the cases of Bob Njagi, Jamil Longton, Aslam Longton, Justus Mutumwa, Martin Mwau, Steve Mbisi, Kalani Mwema, and all other victims and survivors of enforced disappearance," their statement reads. "The state must be compelled to account for every missing person and bring those responsible for their abductions and killings to justice.

We will not settle for silence, cover-ups, or manipulated reports that absolve the guilty," The statement was issued by Bob Njagi, Aslam Longton and Jamil Longton who were abducted by unknown people, allegedly tortured in an unknown location and later on released.