Sugarcane farmers have been urged to elect integrity-minded representatives to the Kenya Sugar Board.
The Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa (PEFA) South Nyanza representative, Bishop Peter Midodo, speaking during the ordination of one of their regional bishops of South Nyanza in Migori stadium said that the sugarcane industry was a major economic activity in the region, and it is only through proper presentation that the farmers can fully benefit.
Midodo acknowledged that the revival of the sugar board will enable sugarcane farmers to elect their representatives and board directors to steer their socio-economic agendas. "These board of directors are very crucial people that sit with the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture to develop policies that pertain sugar cane growing, and therefore it is paramount that farmers elect people with integrity, individuals who understand sugarcane to represent and articulate their views," he explained.
The Kenya Sugar Board has already released a draft notice outlining the procedure for the election of miller representatives to the Board.