The government is working on a mechanism aimed at enhancing collective collaboration and building strong synergy among development partners, undertaking various critical programmes and projects in ASAL counties.

Cabinet Secretary for East African Community (EAC), ASALs, and Regional Development, Beatrice Moe, underscored the importance of engaging experts and partners from various organisations working in the country to align their efforts with the Government's Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

The CS alongside Principal Secretary for ASALs and Regional Development, Kello Harsama, held a consultative meeting with development partners at a Nairobi hotel to discuss ways to harmonize their activities, eliminate duplications of projects, enhance planning and align with government priorities, as well as redistribute developments in ASAL areas to ensure vulnerable communities' benefit. "The purpose of today's consultation is to focus on activities that add value to the people, ensuring we don't duplicate efforts but instead harmonize our activities.

We aim to work on the government's priorities while addressing the needs of the people and redistributing development in ASAL areas.