The prevalence of lifestyle diseases among the elderly has made health undertaking an expensive and stressful affair for Kenyans but this could soon be a thing of the past as a multinational company introduces a friendlier approach to combat the health challenge. Fahow Group is a multinational company that sells organic products created with the knowledge and experience of traditional Chinese medicine and culture, intended to maintain good health for their clients and making their life pleasant and comfortable. In a ground breaking development, the company launched an initiative that promises to bring hope and health improvements to the local community in Tharaka Nithi through a new line of food supplements aimed at combating lifestyle diseases.
Presiding over the event held at the EAPC church, Chuka on Friday, the Speaker of the Tharaka Nithi County Assembly, John Mbaabu called on the media to clearly bring out the fact that the company products are not medical drugs but food supplements that boost immunity against lifestyle diseases. Mbaabu acknowledged presentation by the company representatives and the testimonies of Tharaka Nithi residents who have benefited, that had shifted his mindset from a marketing drive into a health training forum. "When I was informed of an invitation by a Chinese company, my mind registered that it is all about business, only to arrive and realize it is matters health," said Mbaabu.
He emphasized the importance of good heath that will enable the residents to create wealth and hence hailed the company for the transformative potential expected on health matters by a boost in immunity through these food supplements. "We should shift from strong alcoholic drinks to the consumption of these meticulously designed food supplements to boost the body's natural defenses and fight various diseases.
This will make us a heathy nation and hence a wealthy nation because only a healthy population will be able to produce wealthy," explained the Speaker. He further acknowledged the company for providing a machine that was able to supplement the C-Scan services at the County Referral hospital and undertook to support the initiative for the good health of the Tharaka Nithi Community. Mbaabu further called on Tharaka Nithi residents to shift their mindsets from the old school of thought that was fixated to the Western world and appreciate Chinese products adding that China is advancing faster than the Western World. Fahow National Director Davis Thiaka, provided an in-depth explanation of the supplements' importance.