The Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) and the Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies (RVIBS) have launched a campaign to train Kenyan entrepreneurs on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to protect their innovations.

So far, 96 students from various local universities have been trained on the subject and its significance to their businesses and this will be a continuous training for young innovators.

The students who are all Internet of Things (IOT) and Robotics students at RVIBS are beneficiaries of the Sh 6.5 billion (Us dollars 50 million) World Bank Funded SKIES (Strengthening Kenya's Innovation Ecosystem) scholarship program.

SKIES, which is being implemented by the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry through the State Department for Industry aims to enhance the innovation ecosystem infrastructure by building the capacity of 13 Kenyan intermediaries such as incubators, accelerators, and technology boot camp providers.