Police in Makindu are holding a murder suspect, Musyoki Kavita, who killed his father, Kavita Muli, due to a dispute surrounding wood logs. The murder leaving the family and neighbours in shock at Kalimani village, Kyale sub-location, Makindu.
On Sunday, the deceased's wife explained that his husband arrived at home in the morning hours from Makindu township where he ran some errands only to find their son, Muli, having made a traditional earth mound kiln from the logs he had acquired to construct a makeshift goat shed. A dispute would ensue out of this. "My husband fell some trees around our home compound and obtained some parts which he intended to build a structure for goats.
Then he left for some work at Makindu which took a few days before returning home," Ndinda Mwania, Kavita's mother told the standard On that fateful day when Muli returned home he bitterly quarreled his son after sighting the smoking kiln adjacent to his house with his logs missing. "Although we all took tea together, my husband kept on questioning why Kavita had decided to make charcoal with his logs.
He (Muli) went on with his work and our son left for a nearby market," she added He would later return seemingly drunk before going straight to his house for some few minutes, "He returned drunk.