The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Dr.

Davji Atellah has appealed to the Ministry of Health to post medical students, working as interns in public hospitals and increase their salaries from the proposed Sh70,000.

Addressing the intern doctors during a Town Hall Assembly at the Ufungamano Hall in Nairobi, where he was accompanied by a delegation drawn from the Internship Liaison Committee, Dr.

Atellah urged the government to honor the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) of 2017-2021, negotiated between the Ministry of Health and the union. "It is well written in the CBA 2017/2021 that interns will be posted 30 days after clearance from the Medical Council to the Board," he said, noting that KMPDU agitates on behalf of the interns because the framework of their posting is outlined as well as their wages.