Vihiga County's Department of Agriculture in partnership with Business Acceleration for Young Entrepreneurs (BAYE) in Africa and the German Corporation GIZ has conducted a sensitization workshop for young agripreneurs.

The 15 agripreneurs selected from each of the five sub-counties have been onboarded for an eight-month mentorship programme.

BAYE- Africa Founder and Managing Director (MD) Fredrick Otieno said the programme would take a business, industrial and peer to peer mentorship approach in its implementation.

Otieno stated that they would focus on input suppliers right from production, processing and distribution, those doing on-farm feed formulation so as to bring down the cost of production as well as those undertaking brand development and digital marketing. ‎ He said each mentor would have three mentees to ensure continuity in terms of imparting skills to more and more beneficiaries.