The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) has announced that Nairobi County doctors will go on strike on Thursday, February 27.
In a statement on Wednesday, February 26, KMPDU said that the strike, which will kick off at midnight on Thursday, is due to a series of factors, including illegal salary stoppages and dismissals, chronic salary delays, stalled promotions, unpaid gratuities, and delayed confirmation letters.
According to KMPDU, these factors have significantly incapacitated doctors in the county to effectively deliver quality medical care to patients. "Strike notice: All Nairobi County doctors will down their tools at midnight on February 27 due to illegal salary stoppages and dismissals, chronic salary delays, stalled promotions, unpaid gratuities, and delayed confirmation letters," it stated.
KMPDU leaders lead a strike of doctors in Kenya.