Samburu Governor Lati Lelelit has rejected the proposed formula for revenue allocation by the Commission on Revenue Allocation.
The formula, to be implemented after approval of Parliament, emphasizes Population (42 per cent), Equal Share (22 per cent), Geographical size (9 per cent), Poverty (14 per cent), and income distance (13 per cent) as the five dominant factors.
It has revised the parameter downwards from eight to five, elevating the population factor from 20 to 42 per cent.
Governor Lati said the CRA formula was catastrophic to sparsely populated counties. "The saving factor in the new formula is the 8 per cent earned from the exclusion of previously concealed population-based parameter (population 18 per cent, Urban 5 per cent, Agriculture 10 per cent, Health 17 per cent and 50 per cent population-based," he said.