The residents of Kiambu County marked the start of lent with solemn Ash Wednesday celebrations, attending church services and receiving ashes as a reminder of their mortality.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of lent, a period of forty days where Christians around the world engage in introspection, prayer, fasting and acts of charity.

Catholics all over the world are using this season as a time for reflection on their life and a time to seek forgiveness of sin in preparation for the celebration of Easter Sunday, which comes at the end of the lent session commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Last week the Catholic Bishops in the East African nation met to mark a 40-day journey of reflection with the church in Kenya naming "The Kenya we desire." Thus Christians were reminded to journey together, bear one another's burdens and be instruments that ignite transformation in the society. "As we reflect on 'the Kenya we desire,' we are called to consider not only what we want for ourselves but also what we want for others.