Most Kenyan bachelors and bachelorettes are good at exercising a sense of their true self when they are away from the blare of scrutiny or anyone who can judge their behaviour.

Walk to any Bachelor's house on any random day unannounced and you will probably find him smashing ugali matumbo right from the sufuria.

He will also be bare-chested during this time.  Here are ten weird things Kenyan bachelors do while in their houses alone.  Eating from the sufuria Yes, a Kenyan bachelor will cook ugali and smash it right from the sufuria alongside vegetables in another sufuria.

The math here is that there is no need to waste utensils as the time for cleaning or kuosha masahani could be used for other "productive" activities.  Walking naked That bachelor next door has no qualms about removing all his clothes and remaining in his bathing suit whenever he is alone.