Kitui County Governor, Dr Julius Malombe, has rallied both local and international investors to explore the county's vast potential investment opportunities for their business growth as well as economic prosperity for both the county and the nation.

According to the Governor, Kitui County boasts six economic zones with a wide range of unexplored investment opportunities, which, if fully utilised, can significantly turn around the livelihoods of the residents and the nation at large.

The County government boss, while speaking during a two-day Kitui Investors' Sensitisation Forum held at Kitui County Aggregation and Industrial Park (K-CAIP) at Kanyonyoo, noted that the county's six economic and investment zones are endowed with many natural resources, including large deposits of limestone, significant coal deposits, high-quality gemstones, and other minerals such as iron ore, graphite, copper and gypsum. "These resources present a unique opportunity for large-scale industrial investments in cement production, mining, and value-added mineral processing," said the governor.

Malombe further added that the County's semi-arid climate coupled with man-made water points offers immense potential for agribusiness, irrigation-based farming, and renewable energy generation. "By capitalising on these resources, we can position Kitui as the country's leader in industrialisation and value addition, ensuring that our county's natural wealth translates into tangible economic benefits for the people," the governor noted.