Three men linked to last Friday's barbaric act of beating a widow to force her to do a cultural rite at the graveside of her dead husband in Nyamira County have been arrested.

Nyamira South Police Commander Martin Wambugu confirmed the arrest of the three whom he said will be paraded on Tuesday morning for identification by the victim.

Wambugu said the incident happened on Friday in the Nyabisimba area during a funeral ceremony for a man believed to be the husband of the woman who was being assaulted during the burial. "The victim reported the matter at Kiambere Police Station, and we have already caught up with three of the main players in the incident that involved many others whom we are looking for," Wambugu said.  The Commander said the victim was injured during the attack, but he could not specify the extent of the injuries.

The police action came after a video of the widow being whipped mercilessly by people believed to be her in-laws after she refused to perform a customary rite associated with the burial of a husband went viral.