The Member of Parliament for Khwisero Constituency, Christopher Aseka, on Friday launched a subsidised lunch fee programme for day secondary schools where parents will be required to pay only Sh1000 per student every term.

The programme, according to the MP, will cost over Sh35 million, the amount that will be channelled to schools through the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NGCDF) kitty.

Speaking on Friday at Khwisero Stadium, Aseka said the programme is meant to keep students in school so that they can have enough time to study in order to improve their performance and that of schools. "It is the responsibility of us as leaders and government that we assist these children so that they can learn," he noted.

He said that apart from the lunch programme, over Sh66 million from NGCDF has been used to educate children from the Constituency through bursaries and scholarships. "We have used over Sh3 million on scholarships to take our children to national schools.