The National Government has stepped up its response to the Kala azar disease ravaging Wajir County.  Following the outbreak of the disease that has claimed the lives of 25 residents in the last three months, the government yesterday flagged off three mobile laboratories to help in early diagnosis.

Over 600 people are reported to have contracted the disease.  Speaking during the flag off Friday, Public Health and Professional Standards Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni said that the laboratories will provide outreach services in the three most affected sub counties, in order to diagnose cases early and oversee treatment in a timely manner.  The PS further said that the government, through the National Treasury, will be releasing funds to aid in combating the disease.  According to reliable sources 106 patients are receiving treatment at various facilities in Wajir and Marsabit Counties with most operations being conducted at Wajir county's level 4 hospital.  The aid from the national government is coming at a time that Wajir County Government has acknowledged it is overwhelmed by the many cases being reported.  "These mobile laboratories will be instrumental in enhancing early detection as most of the patients were being taken to health facilities when the situation was almost dire", PS Muthoni said.  Medical personnel have confirmed 617 cases so far, with most patients recovering after treatment.

Some of the containment measures so far undertaken include expanding hospital capacity by setting up a new ward for incoming patients, procuring emergency medical supplies and mass fumigation in affected areas.

Health officials are also warning that the situation could worsen if residents fail to report symptoms early. "The ministry would like to reassure the general public that we are deploying full response measures to combat the situation in order to   prevent further rise in cases and suffering from Kalazaar disease", Muthoni said.