The Head of the Government Delivery Services, Dr.
Peter Mbae, has resigned, citing unresolved issues raised to Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei.
In a letter dated January 9 to Koskei, Mbae walked out of his senior position just under a year after his appointment voicing his concerns over unfavourable working conditions in his office. "Despite my passion, focus and consistency, for reasons and issues that I have consistently brought to your attention and have not been resolved to date, it has not been possible to carry out my duties as intended and my position as Head of Government Delivery Services is no longer tenable," the letter read in part. "In order to be accountable to the people of Kenya, owing to the fact that the appointment was widely circulated, I therefore request to formally disengage from this appointment so as to pursue other interests," Mbae added. Speaking to, Mbae confirmed his exit saying he will pursue other interests from now on. "I was a professional in my own right before joining government so I will go back to what I was doing before," he said. More to Follow...