Kakamega County Government has partnered with Boda boda operators in a move that aims to curb the theft of drugs and non-pharmaceuticals in public hospitals.
County Chief Officer for Medical Services Dr David Alilah said Boda boda riders will act as the county ambassadors and spies to tame the vice. Dr Alilah held a meeting with Boda boda officials in Butere Constituency to deliberate on how the partnership would be conducted. He said the county will provide toll-free contact numbers for all health officials in all facilities to report cases of theft of drugs and non-pharms. "Boda boda riders are our soldiers, and we want them to assist us manage our health sector from the outside.
We are using them to prevent some losses in the facilities because they are the same people who carry even stolen drugs from our hospitals because of the convenience of their mode of transport that does not raise suspicion," said Alilah.
He said the county will soon reveal private pharmacies and drug shops where the stolen drugs end up being sold. "Some of the riders admit they transport stolen products.