The festive season is over, the dust has settled down, and the celebratory mood is wearing away.
The reality is that everyday life is here with us, and it is time to get back to reality and routine-back to work, back to business, and back to hustling. "I would wish for the long vacations that came along with exciting travel experiences, where for a moment I let my hair down, and let myself loose, meaning for a moment I let off the hook of routine, worries of hectic work schedules, crisis traffic, and other routines, to conveniently "tune" my brain to forget all these issues, is now done," says Tom Nabwire, an engineer.
Nabwire says that although he had more than two weeks of holiday, it seemed too short to fulfil all his holiday travel dreams.
On Monday, January 6, he says, it was time to face reality-back to factory settings, back to work and normal life's routine.