A catholic church-based foundation has created a remarkable impact within communities in four counties mainly involving women including single mothers by bringing them together for both social and economic empowerment.   Since its inception in 2019, St Theresa's Foundation is serving more than 13,000 members of the community, with a demographic breakdown of approximately 20 percent men and 80 percent women.   This includes 1,350 members in Isiolo, 2,500 in Laikipia, 2, 950 in Tharaka Nithi, and 6,540 in Meru where the foundation's impact is most significant.   Speaking during the 25th thanksgiving mass and celebration of the wonderful progress made, the foundations Director Ms Celina Kaaka said their mission is inspired by the words of Saint Theresa of the child Jesus, "Doing small things with great love."   She added that the foundation is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in the country inspired by the extra-ordinary life and the spirit of St Theresa of the Child Jesus.   "This celebratory event embodies the spirit of our organisation; it is a living example of synergy we would like to create in our work.

What began as a mission focused on empowering women economically has now evolved into a dynamic movement that serves both men and women," said Ms Kaaka.   She added that Saint Theresa believed in the power of doing small things with great love and that is the heart of their work, knowing that the language the heart speaks is louder than the language of the mind and therefore, they strive to speak to the heart of their members in everything they do.   To achieve their objective of bringing together and empowering women, Ms Kaaka added, the organisation focusses on four main pillars, including table banking to provide financial independence to the grassroot women especially by giving them access to resources they may not have had before.   "Money is important as it gives us the power to create resilience and independence, and self-sufficiency is the foundation of the true strength," said Ms.

Kaaka.   They also focus on capacity building which encompasses helping individuals improve their skills and reduce the knowledge gap, allowing them to take charge of their own future.

On the investment pillar, the organisation offers opportunities for members to invest, which Ms.