Folks, I'm sorry I broke my New Year resolution to steer clear of politics and politicians after only a few days, but I couldn't resist the temptation of touching former Kiambu governor William Kabogo's bald head with a razor-sharp pen.

Or marvel at the former Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi's overnight commute from Meru so that he was at the State House in Nairobi at sunrise-only hours after he had spoken about the perceived marginalisation of folks at Kiunyu village in Meru.

I can imagine Kiraitu chuckling, in that awkward manner that sees his mouth twist and twitch, his shoulders rise and fall as he laughs at his own joke.

The last time I checked, Kiraitu's political vehicle was a bus that crawled at an excruciatingly slow pace, which means he didn't make it to Nairobi early enough, so he wasn't interviewed for the job.