The workers dropped their tools almost a month ago.
In an effort to boost food security, Laikipia County government has launched a 2-year dam rehabilitation project that aims at providing irrigation water to thou
Teso South Deputy County Commissioner John Kichwen has urged all sugarcane farmers and other stakeholders in the sugarcane sector to formally register with the
An estimated total of 229,292 teachers gathered from both public and private learning institutions have undergone retooling aimed at equipping them with the nec
Nakuru County Transport and Safety Committee, in partnership with the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Nakuru and the Kenya Red Cross Society, today conduc
A Kilifi court has on Tuesday released a 72-year-old Italian businessman accused of defrauding a coastal tourist establishment of Sh35 million on a Sh1 million
This development comes just a few months after a countrywide shortage of blood was reported.
A manhunt has been launched for the unidentified driver.
In a significant move aimed at boosting youth empowerment and addressing local labor market gaps, the Nakuru County Government, in partnership with the World Ba
The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has introduced a new fuel pricing model that seeks to balance the interests of consumers, investors and the