Two other occupants of the car survived with serious injuries.
From surging femicide cases to brutal murders that spotlighted the worrying trend of these crimes.
A statement went viral on Saturday suggesting Gachagua was under investigation.
Kibet Bull, a cartoonist, has been missing for days since he was picked up by a Subaru.
CHPs worked during the festive season but have not received November and December stipends but PS Muthoni said the Treasury had released Sh600 million for arrea
The President said political competition should not be allowed to block national interests. He said the country had made significant progress in the last one ye
Mbithe Nzomo won a prestigious UNESCO-L'Oréal for Women in Science Award for her work involving AI to develop tools that could help prevent serious conditions.
The recruitment drive will include 20,000 intern teachers for junior secondary schools to address the teacher-to-learner ratio, as announced by President Willia
DPP Renson Ingonga directed the two institutions to provide an update within three days.