Residents of Kauka area, Laikipia West constituency, Laikipia county are calling upon the government, and precisely president William Ruto to resolve a boundary dispute between Kenya Forest service (KFS) and some people who own land along the border.
The dispute revolves around where a proposed electric fence to curb human/wildlife conflict should be erected, with the farmers proposing that it be erected along the current edge of the forest while KFS wants it to follow the original forest map.
The disputed stretch is about 7 kilometres out of the intended 20km long fence being erected around South Marmanet forest.
Residents are calling for early intervention to ensure no interruptions are countered in the project expected to be done in six months. Ben Machomba, a community leader from the area said with intervention of President Ruto, a solution would be found soonest and the project would proceed without interruption. Joseph Kibuku, the contractor said he was happy that the residents have warmly welcomed the project and approved it through public participation.