Several places in the West Pokot highlands are expected to receive rainfall, above its long term average during the March-April-May long rains season, according to the county weatherman's findings.

During the dissemination of County Climate Outlook Forum on the long rains seasonal weather forecasts at the Kilimo House in Kapenguria, the County Director of Meteorological Services (CDMS) Wilson Lonyang'ole, said the rains are expected to descend in the third week of March 2025 although a bit late in the lowland areas.

Lonyang'ole said the lowlands may receive near to below average rainfall, compared to the normal rains in the highlands. "The distribution of rainfall both time and space are expected to be poor to fair in the highlands and undefined poor rains in the lowlands as the season progresses to May, hence the need for concerned sectors to develop appropriate advisories to aid farmers make informed decisions," stated the CDMS.

The met director explained that the peak of the rains is expected to be in April over most places as cessation of the rains continues into June 2025. "This is just a seasonal forecast, but we shall continue giving more specific weekly, daily and hourly updates as time goes by, since weather is dynamic and not static, hence the need for shorter forecasts for increased accuracy," stated Lonyang'ole.