The philanthropist is fondly remembered for his transformative initiative that uplifted the lives of countless young people.
Nairobi Landlords have 90 days to comply with the new directives.
Gachagua gave a timeline of when he would announce his next political move.
What began as a simple passion for agriculture and teaching his students modern farming practices turned into a moment of pride for Kenyan teacher Dominic Orina
There is a genuine risk that the wildfires could spread to residential areas.
The system is part of the implementation of President William Ruto's Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).
The remarks by President Ruto are likely to ignite discussions.
They were rushed to the hospital after they complained of stomach aches and vomitting.
Motorists had to seek alternative routes amid the protests.
The protestors carried the activist's body with them as they marched calling for justice over his death.