Police in the Navakholo Constituency are holding a 19-year-old Form Four student for allegedly murdering a Form Two student for refusing to abort her one month
Musa Juma adeptly blended benga with Congolese Rhumba, with a timeless mix of vocals and instrumentals.
Former Nyandarua Governor Waithaka Mwangi and a senior official have been found guilty in a Sh50 million corruption case.
MCAs who have made several attempts to oust Mwangaza over the past two years, welcomed Justice Bahati Mwamuye's ruling with jubilation.
Ruto's comments indicate he has accurate information of what Kenyans trolling him on media think and feel about his leadership and state of the economy.
Auditor General raises concerns over the expenditure of money on projects and items that are not utilised.
The association argued that judges are human beings just as anyone else, adding that they do not surrender their human rights whenever they take an oath of of
School heads can breathe easy after the Ministry of Education announced the release of Sh14 billion for secondary school capitation.
Sources familiar with the victim said he had a hearing problem and may not have heard the sirens or hooting from vehicles in the presidential convoy.
Justice Isaac Lenaola has expressed his dissatisfaction with general petitions launched seeking the removal of supreme judges