Last Friday's "handshake", the political collaboration and cooperation agreement between UDA and ODM, represents the latest example of a long-held belief among our political elite that everyday Kenyans have short memories, and even smaller minds.

As expected, it was touted as neither a power-sharing arrangement nor a precursor to what 2027, but some sort of "peace, love and unity enterprise" to benefit Kenyans at large.  The short story here is this is an elite political settlement rather than a people's settlement.

The longer one might be that Kenya remains as Kanu as it gets, katiba 2010 notwithstanding.

The fact that Kenyans have cheekily observed that we seem to have no term limits for "handshakes" masks the thought that this handshake might be targeted at a foreign, not local, market, not democratic, audience.  But we are getting ahead of ourselves.