The Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) has disbursed a total of Sh. 1.56 billion for tuition and upkeep for university students and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) trainees.

Out of the amount, a total of 31,263 TVET trainees and 33,863university students will benefit from the loan disbursements.

In a press statement sent to newsrooms, the Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Education Julius Ogamba said HELB has already notified students and trainees who are to benefit from the funds through its official communication channels. "I call upon university students and TVET trainees to check their HELB portals," advised Ogamba.

The CS stated that in the current Financial Year 2024/2025 HELB has to date disbursed a total of Sh32.7 billion in upkeep and tuition loans to 195,522 trainees in TVET institutions and 390,612 students in universities. "The provision of this funding will ensure that student and trainee needs are met, this will enable them to continue with their academic, training and research programmes without hindrance," he stated.