Kenya, often referred to as the "Silicon Savannah" due to its thriving tech sector, is making significant strides in Artificial Intelligence (AI), with growing
Farmers in Narok West Sub County have been advised to vaccinate their animals against Lumpy Skin Disease following an outbreak in the area. Narok West Veterinar
Grief and a sombre mood engulfed the home of Malava Member of Parliament Moses Malulu Injendi following his demise at a Nairobi hospital after a short illness.
Six counties are set to benefit from a new programme that will combat malnutrition through cash and health education in mitigating the rampant problem in the ha
A groundbreaking hybrid clean energy project is taking root in Kokwomoi, Soin Ward, poised to revolutionize agribusiness and empower local farmers. This initiat
A Bomet court has sentenced a 40-year-old man to 150 years in prison after finding him guilty of murdering his three children in 2019. The murder incident happe
Vihiga County has started to construct a health centre at the Emmukunzi area in the Central Bunyore ward, Emuhaya sub-county. Speaking while laying a foundation
Nakuru County Government is implementing a raft of strategies to enhance value chains in the crops and livestock sectors to support the pillars of food and nutr
Browns East Africa Plantations PLC (BEAP), a renowned tea manufacturing company based in Kericho, has announced job openings for two key managerial positions wh
In the small village of Gitareni, Mugwe ward in Chuka Sub-County, one Alex Mbaabu was born in the year 1995. He attended St. Geoge's Greenland School in Nakuru