The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Homa-Bay branch has condemned the ejection of teachers from schools by parents over poor performance
Nakuru County Government is actively implementing a range of preventive and promotional measures to address mental health and improve the well-being of its empl
Pharmacy and Poisons Board warns stakeholders against trading, importing or handling any unregistered products; non-compliant facilities will face license revoc
Prime suspect in the murder of former Kabete MP George Muchai, has pleaded not guilty to 10 charges of robbery with violence.
The two died on the spot following the accident.
It is now clear that the Kenya Kwanza administration has completely lost the war of narratives about its performance.
Friendships are among the most meaningful connections we make in life. Yet, as we grow and evolve, these bonds don't always grow with us
The Board has threatened to revoke licences of those who continue selling unregistered drugs.
Kenyan students recently received their KCSE exam results, marking a pivotal moment in their academic journey.
What the Kenya Kwanza government has been pushing into the faces of Kenyans as a shining success of its term now lies in near ruins.